
Saturday, November 16, 2013


Riemann Mapping Theorem

What conformal mappings are there of the form \(f: \mathbb{D} \mapsto D\), where \(\mathbb{D} = B_1(0)\) is the unit disk and \(D \in \mathbb{C}\) ?

If \(D\) is a simply connected domain (ie open, connected, no holes) in the complex plane, but not the entire complex plane, then there is a conformal map (ie analytic, one-to-one, onto) of \(D\) onto the open unit disk \(\mathbb{D}\).

We say that "\(D\) is conformally equivalent to \(\mathbb{D}\)".

To find a unique conformal mapping \(\, f\) from \(D\) to \(\mathbb{D}\), we need to specify "3 real parameters".

For example,

Now how can we use the above to help construct the Riemann map \(h\) from \(\mathbb{D}^+\) to \(D\) ? Try and you should find the solution:
  \[ \begin{aligned} h = f \circ g \circ f^{-1} \end{aligned} \]
More at Analysis of a Complex Kind.

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