- Subscribe to users@jaxb.dev.java.net;
- Check out the JAXB2 RI workspace. See https://jaxb2-sources.dev.java.net/ for the instruction;
- Consider looking at the "Developing on top of JAXB RI" section of https://jaxb.dev.java.net/. The sample plugins in XJC should help you get started on how to write one;
- The jaxb2-commons project is intended to host plugins for JAXB 2;
- For example, after writing to users@jaxb.dev.java.net, I was added as a developer and directories "fluent-api" and "www/fluent-api" were created. I can put whatever I want there. Files in "www/fluent-api" can be served from http://jaxb2-commons.dev.java.net/fluent-api/
- Projects in java.net are encouraged to use "org.jvnet.", so I used "org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons" as my plugin's package prefix.
- Feel free to update www/index.html with a link to www/fluent-api/
- Pick the license of your choice.
# posted by rot13(Unafba Pune) @ 7:46 PM