Thursday, January 12, 2006
Dynamically create HTML hidden input fields
Here is one way to dynamically create HTML hidden input fields via Javascript:
What if you want to to dynamically create a form ? Here you go:/*
Adds an html hidden input field (dynamically created) to the given HTML form element.
@param formElement the given HTML form element
@param fieldName the name of the hidden input field
@param fieldValue the (string) value of the hidden input field
addHiddenInputField(formElement, fieldName, fieldValue) {
var inputElement = document.createElement("input")
inputElement.setAttributeNode(createHtmlAttribute("type", "hidden"))
inputElement.setAttributeNode(createHtmlAttribute("name", fieldName))
inputElement.setAttributeNode(createHtmlAttribute("value", fieldValue))
Creates an html attribute.
@param name the name of the attribute.
@param value the (string) value of the attribute.
@return the newly created html attribute
createHtmlAttribute(name, value) {
var attribute = document.createAttribute(name)
attribute.nodeValue = value
return attribute
Adds an html form (dynamically created) to the HTML body element (assuming it exists.).
@param actionValue action string
@return the newly created HTML form element.
addHtmlForm = function(actionValue) {
var formElement = document.createElement("form")
formElement.method = "POST"
formElement.action = actionValue
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
return formElement
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nice functions.. i already made a function like this but that didn't work properly at mozilla then ie
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